As you all know, a few weeks ago, I announced The 4th Annual Paul Rust Caption Contest (where you - the blog-readers - submit funny captions to funny photos). A massively-popular event. In this country and beyond.
This year, I received over 10,000 submissions and they were - hands down - the best in the history of The Paul Rust Caption Contest (so far!).
Here's the top 5:

Caption: "Bad Hair Day!"
Submitted by: Trevor White (St. Paul, Minnesota)

Caption: "Quidditch is tough!"
Submitted by: Leslie Thoms (Tallahasee, Florida)

Caption: "Where's the Green Golbin when you need him?"
Submitted by: Ray Wilton (Fort Worth, Texas)

Caption: "It's called Weight Watchers, tubby!"
Submitted by: Dennis Braddock (Rosemary, Wyoming)

Caption: "Can't you see I'm trying to take a nap?!"
Submitted by: A tiny baby (a crib)
Congratulations to the winners! And for those of you who got passed over this year, keep captionin'... The 2007 Paul Rust Caption Contest is only 24 months away (I'm skipping next year for health reasons).
56. Todd Louiso (Saturday, November 12th, 2005)
57. Joey Lauren Adams (Monday, November 14th, 2005)
58. Sam Pancake (Saturday, November 18th, 2005)
I saw all these celebrities around Franklin Avenue. It's true.